
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Random Rambling: Scary Scarecrow

The day after Thanksgiving is always the day we put away the autumn decorations and break out everything related to Christmas. This year, I was more excited than ever to take down the scarecrows and pumpkins. That excitement doesn't have anything to do with Christmas, though. That extra bit of excitement exists because, frankly, the scarecrow on my front door scares the bejeezies out of me.

See? Isn't he scary? Sure, he's got a cute hat, rosy cheeks, and a crooked little grin. But this little guy has been creeping me out since we first hung him up in mid-October. He's cute enough during the daytime, but he transforms into something else overnight.

Don't believe me? Look...

SEE??? This photo was taken from my living room. First thing in the morning, every morning for weeks, this is what I saw. When it was still dark in the house and the sun was coming up outside, that scarecrow was nothing more than a creepy silhouette that peeks through the window on my front door in an effort to make me pee my pants.

You would think I'd get used to it after a while, but that didn't happen. You would also think that if it bothered me that much, I would have taken it down. That didn't happen, either. In my twisted way of thinking, that would have been letting the scarecrow win. Yes, I know that's ridiculous...I embrace my inner crazy. But I refuse to do ANYTHING out of fear. So I left it up. And I kept getting scared.

But now it's time to celebrate! The scarecrow is tucked away nicely in a box down in the basement where I don't have to look at him, and this cute little snowman is now in his place.

Snowmen aren't nearly as scary as scarecrows.


  1. LOL, that is too funny. I'm not a fan of scarecrows anyway so I'm sure that would have freaked me the fudge out too.

  2. I laughed out loud at this post... He does look creepy from the inside. Ah!

    1. Haha! He does! I felt like he was coming to get I was in a cheesy horror movie or something. LOL

  3. Oh wow... that would scare me too, hahaha!

    1. I never knew a scarecrow could actually scare me! :D
